Worth seeing: Matexpo 2017

Naturally, you are again welcome to visit Geha Laverman's stand at Matexpo 2017 in Kortrijk, Belgium. A visit to this biennial international trade fair is really worthwhile! From 6 to 10 September, approx.

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DUROXITE, superlative of abrasion resistance

New from SSAB, the makers of HARDOX, is Duroxite: a welded-on plate that is easy to process in places where, among other things, sliding and/or abrasive wear of highly abrasive materials is a problem and long life of wear parts is crucial.

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Mega-artificial teeth

Putting your frying teeth into a typically Dutch lump of clay or a pile of sand on a daily basis certainly makes Combi teeth last a long time. But when it comes to rock-hard rock soil from quarries and mining, it gets gritty very quickly. Our

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Heavy Metal

Geha Laverman is undisputedly the largest wear products supplier in Europe, but is it also the heaviest? The football field-sized outdoor area of the Zaandam site is packed with sheet material. Daily deliveries and supplies of new stock keep each other in balance. All

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'Yes, we can make that'

That is what Geurt van Peursem, production manager at Geha Laverman, prefers to shout. Not so long ago, his job was to get ordered wear products from the supply programme produced and delivered as quickly as possible. 'Nowadays, orders mean

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