At Geha Laverman, special stud welding equipment is used to fit wear plates and strips with studs on the back.
Applied in some constructions, this means a smart alternative to conventional bolt/nut connections. Wear plates can then be assembled (and disassembled) - with just one spanner. Another important advantage is that the wear surface is significantly better utilised because recessed fixing holes - irregularity in the surface! - are absent.
Welded wire ends are used for, among other things, lining plates of dumping points, hoppers, storage and transfer bunkers and chain guides.
At Geha Laverman, this stud welding technique (studwelding) used to fit both carbon steel and stainless steel threaded ends with stud sizes M10 to M24 on processed Hardox material and also, for example, on the underside of welded-on armour plates or chocky bars from Max Wear.
How does stud welding work?